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Worthless job - anon

Posted: Mar 15th, 2025 - 2:26 pm In Reply to: Kicking myself too - What a worthless job

Oh the stories we could tell. The things remembered and how we were treated and the lies were a plenty.

Given inaudible ESL doctors deliberately that were horrible and the lies that ensued to make one feel like you were the problem. Told that the ESL doctors wanted their work sent to India because they would do a better job. Worked with a girl from India and she could not understand them either, and in fact won a discrimination charge against her supervisor and co-workers and won.

Little did we know they promised the work back and if the TAT was not met, they had to take less pennies per line.

Keystrokes was deny, defy, and lie to get ahead. Evil games they played. Hope there is a Karma.


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