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Expert Radiology - Tired and Weary

Posted: Dec 6th, 2024 - 11:45 am In Reply to: Expert Radiology - Bella

I did some research on this company, and they seem to be scammers. I had an interview with a "Ruvina" last Friday and was told that I was one of the most experienced candidates, and that a "Hector" would be calling for interviews beginning Monday, 12/2. She informed me that they were needing to hire MTs ASAP, and asked me how soon I could start. I told her ASAP.
After not receiving a phone call from him by Wednesday, I called him and he said he had been too busy to call people for interviews. ????? He said he hoped to do this by Friday. I have messaged Ruvina more than once asking her what the problem was, and she gave me some lame excuse that she had not heard from "Hector" regarding an update on his interviews. I do believe that this is yet another transcription hoax on Indeed. PLEASE STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!!! Seems there are not any legitimate companies to work for anymore.....:(


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