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Better recording equipment - Like that is going to happen

Posted: Aug 26th, 2024 - 9:35 pm In Reply to: what is the excuse for glitched recordings that we have to try to decipher? - ckd

Bad dictators, ESLs, poor sound quality, mispronounced words, misspelled words and the list is endless, and it will not change.

We kill ourselves trying to do a good job to no avail. They don't want to spend the money, either waiting for AI to take over or the doctors do their own input.

We are nothing to them or the company you work for.

Sorry but true, so endure or get another job!

I would venture to guess no one of the Gex X population or even millennials would take this thankless, poor paying job, only older MTs who won't give it up will put up with this garbage and feel they are doing a job that counts, don't even say, saving lives, because no one cares.


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