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Weekend work - I tried that

Posted: Aug 16th, 2024 - 7:42 pm In Reply to: Weekend work - Ann

I worked for 2 companies and said I would always work weekends and check in during the week and I never had any work, no matter when I logged on. One company was Precision and the other Medscribes. There just isn't any work and you can sit at that computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and not make any money at all.

At one time weekends were a money maker, but no longer. Look for another type of work for the weekend and give up on this lousy job. Also get out from being a slave to IC, it is a total rip-off except for the companies. Should be outlawed.


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  • Weekend work - Ann (Views: 726, 2024-08-16, 2:23 pm)
    • Weekend work - I tried that