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for the record, and I've posted this before - no matter how people push back on it

Posted: Aug 16th, 2024 - 9:30 am In Reply to: Scoping is basically like VR, you shouldn't have an - issue

Scoping and legal transcription are two different things!!

If you are editing VR, you are not a scopist, you are a transcriptionist.

Scopists are cleaning up a court reporter's notes, correcting untranslates and editing for punctuation, grammar, looking up proper names. They do minimal fixes. The court reporter's steno notes have already been translated by their software, so the majority of it is already done, and the scopist makes minimal corrections.

If you are basically typing the whole thing from audio or correcting a VR draft from audio, that is a legal transcriptionist.

Two totally different things. They are used "interchangeably" these days because there are legalities about whether a transcript has been produced by a court reporter or whether someone who wasn't present at the proceeding is typing it from scratch or largely from scratch from audio. Some legal transcription companies are calling everyone a scopist. This is wrong.

A court reporter's notes should be enough to create a transcript, with the audio being a second "go-to" for clarification. The audio was never meant to be the main source of producing a legal transcript.

If anyone wants to argue this, you can argue it all you want, but I'm telling you how it is.

Just remember, some of these legal transcription companies (if not most of them) are working exactly like MTSOs, they are a middle man, cutting corners, driving down wages, and taking the title of scoping and watering it down to what is actually a transcription job, just like MT.

To OP, your bet to get into actual legit scoping, which is a great profession, is to go the path of actual scoping training where you'll learn to read some steno, use CAT software, and avoid working for a transcription company where, chances are, you're going to be editing VR just like MT.

The best paying scoping jobs are not working for a middle man but working for a court reporter who pays you themselves.


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