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Wait .. WHAT??? AQuity was bought out??? - MT.Cali

Posted: Jun 24th, 2024 - 5:30 pm In Reply to: IKS Health - Sick & Tired

I truly did not realize they were bought out. I used to work for them "back in the day" and before when they were known as M*Model. Back then I was paid nicely (yes, it is true, at one point they actually paid well). Then, all of a sudden I started to notice some suspicious information about buyouts and I literally left before the storm came. Now, I come back to this site and see this information. Shocked, but not at all surprised. Just to share a few words of wisdom: Experienced MTs have marketable skills that can easily transfer to other professional arenas and I have learned how to be an expert self marketer. One must learn how to market your skills in order to transition to areas where one can utilize these marketable skills of an experienced MT into other professions. Also helps to do lots of research, etc. etc.


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