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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Sorry, but I do not beleive you. If you truly are out - work, you meet the financial

Posted: May 6th, 2024 - 4:54 pm In Reply to: mri inturpitation - Trina

guidelines for the poverty level established by the Feds, which Florida will honor. I am intimatley familiar with Florida and what you posted here is simply not true. You can go to ANY WLEFARE OFFICE IN FLORIDA, and you will be given a case manager/counselor, whatever you want to call it, that will walk you through every single step. They will also walk you through getting govt-assited medical coverage among many other benefits you may be eligible for, if in fact, you are not working.

This sounds like a scam.


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      • mri inturpitation - Trina (Views: 630, 2024-04-06, 1:59 pm)
        • Sorry, but I do not beleive you. If you truly are out - work, you meet the financial