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The companies that used to post here - sm - CatMomMT

Posted: Mar 25th, 2024 - 7:08 am In Reply to: Nothing to brag about - hardly anything posted

are now posting on Indeed and Simply Hired. They are all the same companies that used to post here; the ones that seem to have a revolving door with hiring and keeping MTs. You might see a smaller mom and pop company post, but that is rare. Indeed seems a little sketchy in that the testing they require oftentimes has nothing to do with the job you are applying for. I have applied for several jobs through Indeed, took the required testing, and have never heard back. I have over 20 years' experience working as an MT in all specialties. I don't think this job site has anything to do with companies not posting on here. I think the same ole companies who post nearly every day are not getting the applicants from this site because of people sharing their negative experiences working for these companies.


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