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Isn't it sad that I'm pretty sure we have all BTDT at least once--sm - RunninOnMT

Posted: Mar 20th, 2024 - 7:43 pm In Reply to: Advice - Get away from her

It's almost like a rite of passage as an MT, particularly more common for ICs. I've had a few in the past, one I'm pretty sure just got someone to do free work during times of overflow. Sooo frustrating! We've all been had at one time or another so only thing you can do is either file with small claims or local Dept of Labor and learn from the lesson. It's no wonder we are all so jaded at this point! Between the long hours to just make barely minimum wage pay (or slightly above if very lucky), crappy work/dictators, and this type of BS, yeah, we are all a bit cranky these days.

Definitely do NOT let her get away with it though, Pixie, take the appropriate action against her and/or cease working until she pays up.


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