That is completely unacceptable. I would immediately start - doing like the other poster said SM Posted: Mar 20th, 2024 - 4:19 pm In Reply to:
to start door dash, grocery delivery, anything else you can find. Eight weeks out of no pay is NO excuse.
If you really want to keep her as a job, I would say tell her no more work until you're paid up to date. Then every two weeks from now on and if not paid promptly after that, no more work until paid.
She's got no excuse if she has a full-time job/check to pay you with. And I'm sorry to say, she's got no respect at all for you to do this kind of thing.
I could actually offer you two or three options if you're interested in hearing about them. I'm not a manager and have no control over any hiring, but I'm an MT for one and was for two others so I know they could use a person.
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