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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 56)

Personally I would tell her I will not be able to work until paid--sm - RunninOnMT

Posted: Mar 19th, 2024 - 12:44 pm In Reply to:

I know that is scary to do with kids, but you're working not getting paid now. Before the last excuse, I was going to say it sounds like she is waiting until she is paid by the docs before she pays you. That's not a good sign of a healthy biz. I would point out that she is in breach of contract (unless it states on there she pays you after she is paid) and you will not be able to work until your current pay is caught up, as you will need to work another job to make up this money to pay your bills (Door Dash, for example, if asked--might be worth looking into even temporarily as you can get paid as you work). You say you are contracted employee, so you are not 1099 IC? Thinking if employee, you might contact your state labor board, see if they can give you better advice than just what I do, lol! HTH and good luck!


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