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I had a private account with a cardiology group ... sm - Lost the account

Posted: Mar 16th, 2024 - 2:04 pm In Reply to: EPIC - OBXconsumer

of 4 doctors that was bought out by a very large health group (Inova in Northern VA). Inova used the EPIC system, and I lost the account. The doctors, RNs, LPNs, PAs, etc., enter the info into the system themselves. I left the world of medical transcription after that. I did not try to get any other accounts. That was in 2013.


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  • EPIC - OBXconsumer (Views: 1237, 2024-03-15, 3:07 pm)
    • EPIC - anon (Views: 1213, 2024-03-15, 3:22 pm)
    • I had a private account with a cardiology group ... sm - Lost the account