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loved the job but..... - oldtimer

Posted: Feb 19th, 2024 - 3:42 pm In Reply to: LOL - The Snark Factor

when the company I worked for and loved closed their doors 12/31/2019, my retirement started 1/1/2020. I make more in SS than I did typing. It was the right time. Its unfortunate that the MT business has gone downhill and out the door.


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  • New Year - How many (Views: 1358, 2024-01-16, 1:17 pm)
    • New Year - anon1959 (Views: 837, 2024-01-16, 3:49 pm)
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      • Gone - Me too (Views: 973, 2024-01-19, 11:53 am)
        • LOL - The Snark Factor (Views: 834, 2024-01-20, 7:52 am)
          • loved the job but..... - oldtimer