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I read this whole thread and one thing is glaring. - OP was right, you need to proceed with caution.

Posted: Feb 9th, 2024 - 12:37 pm In Reply to: Proceed with caution on this one. - Crappy account, crappy pay

Not for one minute do I believe all the owner posted. All MTs know, over the last several years, no matter what comes out of their mouths, we get screwed. She claims to “know” this was a disgruntled employee. Prove it. It is probably closer to reality that the MT she harbors such animosity toward accepted a better position with higher pay, better working conditions, and better hours.

No surprise people leave based on her ad. These companies DO NOT pay anywhere near a reasonable wage. Just to come close to a living wage, you would have to do more than 5625 minutes of audio (at .80 cents = $ 4500/month). Then deduct all your taxes, self-employment taxes, and other miscellaneous deductions. Twenty-four dollars an hour my foot. For what? An hour or two a day? You would be lucky if you can fill your gas tank at that rate.

The fact is, this company has advertised multiple time for MTs. If this is such a lucrative position, why does anyone leave? I would lay down a heavy bet this is a “crappy” account as per OP. We already know it is “crappy pay” as per the owner’s ad. I would also lay down a heavy bet the training is minimal, poor account specs, and everything that goes wrong is the MT’s fault, and pretty sure the owner doesn’t miss a beat in placing blame on others. Add to that roster, the work you have to do that you never get paid for. We’ve all heard the same story too many times.

This company is no different than all the other abusive companies out there.


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