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Company Board

Good companies/P - Pepper

Posted: Dec 18th, 2023 - 4:53 am In Reply to: TRANSCRIPTION COMPANIES - Jaggar

My company ran out of work. I had worked for P before and went back. Got the worst dictators, of course. I kept getting errors and wti registered, the editors were wrong. Before, I would have fought it, but it became not worth my time. Low pay, Treated like crap. I just didn't have it in me anymore. Is there even anyone left working there?


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  • TRANSCRIPTION COMPANIES - Jaggar (Views: 1669, 2023-10-11, 10:40 am)
    • Transcription companies - Who do you work for (Views: 940, 2023-10-11, 10:00 pm)
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          • Company - Not a guess (Views: 494, 2023-10-19, 11:15 am)
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    • Good companies/P - Pepper