Finding something better - Thank you Posted: Dec 15th, 2023 - 10:38 am In Reply to: So sorry. Hoping you find something even better! - nm
I am going to try and find something outside of MT work. Just have to make the break and move on. I have been checking out jobs and even if I have to start with retail I will. I actually have been working at Target for the holiday season and if they will keep me on, I will stay and go from there.
Are you working for AQuity? I wonder how many are actually left and how many are working as Scribes. That is another job I am going to avoid, unless I can work in an office.
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- Got my notice today - Buh Bye you rotten company (Views: 1473, 2023-12-14, 1:19 pm)
- Work - Barb (Views: 383, 2023-12-19, 9:17 am)