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Tech Help

foot pedal - AJMRN

Posted: Nov 28th, 2023 - 5:19 pm In Reply to: Foot pedal - MT

My foot pedal settings are in my transcription platform (not a player, so no .wav or .dss). If you are on a transcription platform, the rewind, fast-forward settings should be within that platform. I think in your device manager on your computer you could find your foot panel but not sure if that will have any settings, believe only where you are playing audio (inside platform or program) is where pedal settings will be for play speed, rewind speed, etc. For example, if you plug in your USB VEC foot pedal and you're using Express Scribe, it's in Options toolbar then Controller is chosen from there. When I type, my foot pedal settings are under my document in my particular platform and then I can set my pedal settings under Tools, User Settings, so it really depends on program or platform, in order to find the settings. VEC may be able to help you and/or Google your foot pedal and 'backup' or 'rewind' maybe. Good luck! Hope you find an answer, drives me crazy when mine backs up 3+ seconds or something instead of 1 second.


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