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Some verbatim medical editing without much - medical

Posted: Nov 12th, 2023 - 2:35 pm In Reply to: General editing transcription - MT wanna know

But the pay is really bad, really, really, really bad. It's .063 per dictated minute. There's some complicated rounding up but a 2-minute report pays about 12 to 13 cents. We thought .04 a line was bad, huh? It comes out to about half a cent an edited line plus the joy of multi speakers talking over one another and account specifics and their software to make the changes with.

I didn't care for Rev.com either. There are people who look for jobs that timed out while someone was working on them, so they grab them and keep the other person's work and turn it in. It's all about Rev. They keep what you typed and don't pay you for it, the next guy gets paid for it.

Tons of work for legal, usually they want experience and certifications.


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