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Suggestions. - SM

Posted: Oct 7th, 2023 - 5:34 pm In Reply to: EMR/EMH training? - Mona

If this is a real post?

1. Find a different field to go into.

2. I'm really sorry you wasted money on any kind of 'refresher' course. That's not going to do you any good if all you used to do was nephrology. If it was a course on transcription you took, that really shouldn't even be offered anymore as this field is dying out.

3. Your chances of getting a job are about 10% and that's guessing on the optimistic side. There are people ahead of you who have 30+ years of experience and they will get what few jobs there are before you do.

4. See Answer #1.

5. Still thinking about it? See Answers #1, 2, and 3.


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