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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Yeah. Just wait until you get a court reporter that does - nothing but turn on the

Posted: Aug 15th, 2023 - 8:15 am In Reply to: Legal work - Anyone apply

recording equipment, that will open your eyes to legal transcription for sure. Multiple speakers are definitely more difficult to type than a single person. Medical has a lot of advantages over legal for sure and a single speaker is definitely an advantage. You think you have problems with a physician dictating in the car, you won't complain about that if you have to type a room full of people talking over one another constantly and the CR does nothing to help you out with the situation. Most notes I get from court reporters are filled with a lot of blank pages. Some type the beginning of a sentence and you're lucky to get that. If you can type medical, you can type legal. The differences are there is more than one person speaking in the room, people talk at the same time, you may or may not hear the same person more than once. You don't have the advantage of learning how someone talks.


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