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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Posts.. (Views: 49)

Selling training, yes, but this is also very deceptive with the title - of EMR entry, but it is really scribe work. SM

Posted: Aug 11th, 2023 - 12:11 pm In Reply to: EMR entering ad - I think they are trying to sell training

I sent a response yesterday through the post itself, now today the listing is edited to include her email to send the resumes.

Also looks like you have to work in a facility?, doesn't seem like it's remote work from home. One listing says it's remote, then it also says must come into the office.

Confusing, dishonest and sneaky, deceptive = I wouldn't trust it.


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  • EMR entering ad - I think they are trying to sell training (Views: 951, 2023-08-11, 11:23 am)
    • Selling training, yes, but this is also very deceptive with the title - of EMR entry, but it is really scribe work. SM