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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 56)

I do medical records reviews. It depends on the - amount of work involved. It can be a flat

Posted: Jun 15th, 2023 - 10:01 pm In Reply to: charging for medical record review - QME historian

fee, or it can be hourly. There are way too many variables involved to give you a hard and fast amount. I never get less than $ 150.00 per case...even if it only takes a few hours of review; that is a flat base rate just to accept a case, even a small one. The rate goes up from that point. The larger cases with a massive amount of documents to review can be up to several hundreds of dollars.

I understand this may not answer your question as you might like, but there are a lot of variables that go into the charge for medical record review; as with all other things, the harder the case review, the more it will cost.


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  • charging for medical record review - QME historian (Views: 926, 2023-06-15, 1:36 pm)
    • I do medical records reviews. It depends on the - amount of work involved. It can be a flat