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What I Would Do - It might be faster to proceed on your own

Posted: Jun 7th, 2023 - 12:04 pm In Reply to: TAA (trade adjustment assistance) question - Sig

You probably need to contact the Department of Labor at your state level or the federal level to file the petition. You might need documentation proving that your job was sent offshore; “not enough work” might not be reason enough. If your manager can help you, that would be great. Another contact might be your Employment Security office to file for unemployment benefits. Lastly, some cities have places called Skillsource that are funded through the state that offer worker re-training and job placement assistance, and I don’t think it requires filling a petition. They would be familiar with the steps you need to take. I only went through one layoff that was related to outsourcing, and remember these programs being offered. I filed for unemployment but had another job before my application was processed, although I know it doesn’t always work that way, good luck.


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