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are you pasting in a macro? - 365 is weird

Posted: May 14th, 2023 - 7:55 am In Reply to: Jump Code macro in 2023 - WVMaeMae

i got one years ago in a word document, I just paste it in instead of recording the macro by hand. I haven't tried it with 365.

So, the macro, even if you record it or copy and paste it into a macro from the drop down menu, it's written in javascript

This line, which is the last line of the code

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

(The true last line of the code is
End Sub
being the really last line but the macro might write that in itself.)

I'm pretty sure it makes it overwrite the * or whatever you've set up to be the go to character

And if it still doesn't backspace over the *, then maybe making the value for the count a 0 might make it overwrite the *


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