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VMware Horizon Client - never again

Posted: May 1st, 2023 - 8:11 pm In Reply to: VMWare Horizon - Bella

This may not be true with all companies that utilize VMware Horizon Client to access VDIs, but with the company I contracted with, it was a horrible experience. We were always having issues with being kicked out of the system, and due to all the security measures, it took sometimes 20 minutes just to get logged in and get set up to work. We were not allowed to download anything into the VDI and were not provided with any text expanders, such as Shorthand, Instant Text, or FastFox. Also, our browser settings were never saved, so any bookmarks or extensions that we could get always had to be reconfigured each and every day. If that wasn't bad enough, the lag was beyond tolerable. For my assigned clients, once inside the VDI, we actually had to log into the facility VDIs or remote desktops. We were only paid for the lines we typed and not for all the work and time it took to get them.

Before you commit, do your research and ask if you are compensated hourly for downtime, slow system responsiveness, etc. If not, I'd run far far away.


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