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Benny, do it the shady way! - Veronica

Posted: Feb 16th, 2023 - 4:34 am In Reply to: Reliable companies who are hiring - Benedetto


U contribute a lot to this bloody board. If u wanna find out whoze hiring, do it the shady way, like I have for years here!

Make up a phony company name, for instance, Salad Systems, Inc., say you're hiring like crazy and need resumes immediately for fast openings. Then all these starved, unemployed women will send you their resumes -- jam-packed with all their personal info. Like where they're currently working. Like where they recently worked. Like which MTSO is hiring for which specific specialties, etc.

Voila! Now u have all the info on MTSOs who are/were hiring. A virtual horn o' plenty of information you can take advantage of in your job search. You're guaranteed to get a gig...I did several times. And as far as these wayward, ignoramus women who sent you their shit...FUCK EM!

Good luck, Ben. You sound like a real go-getter. Get it, baby, get it!!!




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