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here you go - sm

Posted: Oct 3rd, 2022 - 3:09 pm In Reply to: Medical Term - Venky

CogScreen- (CogScreen) is a computer-administered and scored cognitive-screening instrument designed to rapidly assess deficits or changes in attention, immediate- and short-term memory, visual perceptual functions, sequencing functions, logical problem solving, calculation skills, reaction time, simultaneous information processing abilities, and executive functions.
CogScreen- was initially designed to meet the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) need for an instrument that could detect subtle changes in cognitive functioning: "changes which left unnoticed may result in poor pilot judgment or slow reaction time in critical operational situations" (Engelberg, Gibbons, & Doege, 1986, p. lS89).
One version, CogScreen-AE, meets the FAA's requirement for a sensitive and specific neuro-cognitive test battery for use in the medical re certification evaluation of pilots with known or suspected neurological and/or psychiatric conditions CogScreen-AE is not a test of aviation knowledge or flying skills, but rather a measure of the underlying perceptual cognitive, and information processing abilities associated with flying (Imhoff & Levine, 1986)
CogScreen- consists of a series of computerized cognitive tasks, each self-contained and presented with instructions and a practice segment. The subtests are listed and described below.
CogScreen has been used to detect the impact of a variety of medications on Brain Function.


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  • Medical Term - Venky (Views: 791, 2022-09-27, 7:27 pm)
    • cog screen - AJ (Views: 494, 2022-10-03, 1:02 pm)
    • here you go - sm