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Democrats will use this a cover to censor even MORE - conservative content. They are using the

Posted: Oct 6th, 2021 - 5:56 am In Reply to: Far Left Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen is a - Democrat activist demanding

same buzz words, “threat to our democracy” but this is not about protecting children.

The left has a history of using children (except the pre-born type) to further their agenda. They are the same ones who are fine with Sinema being forced to hide in a bathroom stall from left wing illegal aliens.

This is all so coordinated and planned. Psaki admits Biden is working with Facebook to censor people. The “whistleblower” says Facebook doesn’t do enough to censor people. Now facebook has an advertisement saying the government needs to do more to censor and regulate the internet.

Don't fall for the smoke screen.


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