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Company Board

Australian Company - Fino

Posted: Aug 1st, 2018 - 11:55 am In Reply to: Just a Heads Up -- - Yeah Right

Just FYI, I have worked for NTS for over 3 years. They are a FANTASTIC company. Helpful QA who teach, not berate, super supportive upper management, and the "pay once a month" is only if your invoice is under $500 Aussie in the middle of the month, if it's over $500 Aussie you can bill twice a month. US typists get a differential for the crummy exchange rate, and you can find a bank or credit union that doesn't gouge you to accept an overseas wire transfer (I changed banks because one charged $25 per wire, current only charges $10). There is almost ALWAYS work in my pool, if you run out and want more, if another pool has work they will give you some. The Australian spellings aren't that big a deal, you can just put the US spelling in your autocorrect and have it automatically spell it with the Australian spelling.
Easy peasy. They warn you in advance about Aussie holidays so you don't log in to no work and freak out not knowing why. One of the best jobs I've ever had and I've been doing this since 1996.


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