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Further up coast. Different state. - CG

Posted: Jul 25th, 2017 - 10:00 am In Reply to: Just Curious - Minnie Mouse

I'm already in written stage of PM. What a loser, at least that's what the think. Lol. I've gotten to the point where I don't even care anymore. I save every piece of correspondence to my personal email with me apologizing and saying I will try to do better etc. I save my audit scores which are usually good, and I have documentation from way back when I was hired at The original company in 2005 stating I need 98% accuracy to pass an audit. They changed...I didn't. I'm too old for this$%#+!!!! I'd head right to unemployment. You can get it in my state if you were fired for not being intentionally insubstante. So tired of this clown show. They make me literally sick.


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