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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 56)

Struggling also - I hate this company

Posted: Jun 22nd, 2017 - 8:36 pm In Reply to: Is anyone else struggling to make line count?? - NM - UGH!!

In every sense of the word, I struggle with this job. If it isn't my line count, it's my quality. I have been on PM and threatened to the nth degree and yet, I am still here. Now it falls on deaf ears. I just do what I can and if they fire me, then so be it. I refuse to stress about this place any longer.

I am actively looking for something else besides being an MT. I just feel it isn't worth it any longer. I look for other MT jobs, but they are all IC and the demands are ridiculous, might as well be a premed student for what they want us to know and the pay is just a slap in the face.

Please don't suffer any longer with this company. Look for something else and move on with your life. At this point, being a sign holder would be better than this.


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