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First question...SM - Old Anon

Posted: Apr 28th, 2017 - 3:17 pm In Reply to: different question re being an IC - sm

Are you working on-site at this clinic? If so, you are legally not an IC, but an employee. You need to find out about that, and tread lightly; but do stand up for yourself because if you are told you must work there and cannot do your work at home, then your state's DOL might want to know about it, as you can't be an MT and be told where the work must be donie. As far as the long-time MT changing and "correcting" your work, is she your official supervisor? If not, I would ask her to please leave your work alone and that you are following widely accepted guidelines. If she is your supervisor and the clinic wants things done that way, unfortunately, you'll have to grit your teeth and do it. It does sound like, though, that she doesn't really know what she's doing; and it's not illegal to be stupid.


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