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Probably better going on Obamacare - just saying

Posted: Nov 2nd, 2016 - 2:44 pm In Reply to: Thinking of going FT. Are the benefits worth it? - nm

Just got the link today. With a link to the exchange included because even they know this is crazy. They do not cover spouses any more if they are self-employed or have opportunity to get it through their work. Family plan is 598/398 a paycheck. With a 12,500 deductible. Crazy.

It is cheaper for just single or employee plus kids but it is still the same high deductible and prescriptions are still rolled in.

I am sure it is this way everywhere, not just Mmodal. Premiums are up by double digits everywhere. And most companies are pulling out of the exchanges so I don't know if their link would be helpful.


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