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Coding / Medical Billing Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 39)

Andrews - just saying

Posted: Sep 30th, 2016 - 10:37 am In Reply to: Would you share which online program - you are taking?

I wanted something to get both inpatient and outpatient certifications so I could get a job at home right out of school. I already went through a half rate MT school and had to beg for my first job so I refused to go through that again with coding. I know there are other good schools out there but this one seemed to fit with my style of learning and ability to work at my own pace.

The MT background definitely helps. I flew through the first half of the class. I am now at the point where I am coding from reports and while it definitely is challenging, I have typed a similar report 1000s of times so I don't have to stop to look up unfamiliar words or procedures.


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