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Answers to Hopeful - blah, blah,

Posted: May 29th, 2016 - 9:01 pm In Reply to: Is their computer a desk top or laptop? - Hopeful MT

LOL....it is a desktop...who sends out laptops anymore? 90% of them send nothing. I understand all of your concerns, but there are no frills anymore. I have been there greater than 1 and less than 5 and like the other poster said, there have been subtle changes. I doubt they are going to lay out all of the other information you ask unless they offer you employment. Take the test, if they offer you employment ask your questions, if you don't like the answers, you can move on. 260 lph can be easy or difficult depending on the account you get. All of the shift openings are 2nd and 3rd. Nothing on 1st....part of that is because they are overstaffed on 1st and the workflow is lighter and they run out of work more. They are going to announce the final name change next month. Good luck!


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