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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 44)

Except for the pay and the lousy SR, sm - Feedbacker

Posted: Nov 24th, 2015 - 4:47 pm In Reply to: MModal - me

I'm very OK with MModal! I'm not hassled for quality, quantity or other metrics. I just clock in when I'm supposed to and sit there and do what I have to do the best I know how. I'm in a great POD, too. Once in a while a certain QA person will "correct" too much in my report that is already correct, but that happens everywhere and is not really a company thing. E.g., this QA person will change all my "ms" for "milliseconds" to "msec" when both are perfectly correct (rolling my eyes). There seems to be PLENTY of work all the time. Good luck with whatever choice you make!


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