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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 39)

Not an answer to your question - but...

Posted: Nov 13th, 2015 - 7:07 am In Reply to: Question about - leaving Mmodal forever.

I started taking (early) retirement in January 2015. I sat down with the SSA people in town and also with my accountant to crunch numbers and make sure it was a good decision. I also intended to keep working (I left MT and started working for a hospital). The SSA people had me estimate my earnings for 2015 (they recommended that I err on the high side), which was over the limit they allow, so they withheld SSA checks for two months. My first check was due for March, but they pay in arrears by one month, so it wasn't deposited until April. SS also sent me a letter in September, asking me whether my earnings for 2015 were in fact what I had estimated earlier so that they could adjust my checks up or down accordingly.

I'm mentioning this because I had to have a means of sustaining myself for a period before things fell into place. You may already know this :) The SSA people were very knowledgeable and helpful, BTW.


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