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Definitely a crap shoot :-( - good luck

Posted: Jul 13th, 2015 - 1:36 pm In Reply to: feeling lost - lost

You read the good, the bad, and the ugly about nearly every company on the boards here.

Obviously there is something good in nearly every company.

There is one company which people continuously post the management from the top is nasty. I have personal experience with that and give 200% credence to those posts, yet there are some who don't see that or choose not to, which is fine.

Companies would not be posting if they did not have work. HOW much work is another story. Some have totally laborious testing and others minimal.

Maybe move to Seattle where they are working to institute $15/hour minimum wage?


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  • feeling lost - lost (Views: 585, 2015-07-13, 1:13 pm)
    • Definitely a crap shoot :-( - good luck