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where is the damn work? - fuming

Posted: Apr 24, 2013

WHERE IS THE DARN WORK?  I cannot keep this nonsense up!

Its all finally in my region - thank goodness

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I suffered through the dry spell, and dont ever want that again. I am making bank while I can!

What region- me too in South! - mt

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lack of work - Fuming

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North...3 accounts. Nada, nothing, zilch. This is BS.

Fuming... ask for more accounts - there is a ton of work in the North

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Not sure if you wanna do every account in the BOB, but there is work.
Really? - Evelyn
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I'm in the north and I have VERY few jobs. I have 1 primary acct and 7 backups and I spend 80% of my time just waiting for something to come through. Of course, new mgr had no record of my having the 7 backups but you'd think that would have been updated ASAP. Sigh.

fuming - xx

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I am not with M*Modal but with another company that keeps running out. I am hoping not to face bankruptcy. Good luck to you and to all who are without work.

already did the bankruptcy - sm

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take the plunge, do the pay back one, its less demeaning. But the stress relief is worth it all.

Can you go bankrupt on credit cards but - bill lady

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keep your house? My tiny checks from MM due to NJA have left me unable to pay my bills. I am looking for another job though to those who will flame me and say it is my own fault for staying with MM.
yes, usually you can and you can usually keep your car too. - anon
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You cannot discharge Tax debt or student loan debt, however.
Thank you for the info. - bill lady
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At least in my state you can keep your house - if you have less than $40K equity
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That is, if the market value of the house minus what you owe on your mortgage(s) is less than $40,000, they won't make you sell it. If it's more than $40,000, they'll make you sell it so they can give the money to your creditors.
Thanks. I will check with my state and see - bill lady
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if it is the same which I hope it is.

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