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Opinion requested on how - you handle it

Posted: Nov 08, 2012

when the work flow is trickling in and you are waiting 8 minutes here, 7 minutes there and worrying about keeping up your line count so as to not drop below?


Thank you in advance!!!!! ;-)

I put in a remedy ticket for NJA and makeup time - anon

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then I work when there is work and clean house when there isn't. Usually by the end of the day, I've gotten my hours and lines in. Kind of a pain having to babysit the computer, but all in all I get a lot accomplished around the house and get my work done too.

Thank you for - sharing

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I have had OOW situations before, but not as often as I have now with my TSM having a larger BoB. Funny you think it would get better not worse. :.)

I have never had much either, but lately due to - the storm back East

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it has been more of a problem the last 2 weeks.

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