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Acquisitions - Wondering

Posted: May 04, 2013

Does anyone know anything about the recent changes in the Acquisitions group that moved 2 major Illinois university accounts to a Michigan-based region with new TSM and split its other Illinois grouping of several smaller accounts that was within the same Aquisitions bunch; new TSMs there, too?

What do you mean MIchigan based region. - MT heart

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Acquisitions - Wondering

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Just that the majority (almost all) of the accounts held by this TSM and within the region are all in Michigan, no longer in the Illinois region where they were localized to date.

My guess is that - they are

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probably trying to spread out the work flow among the MTs and doing that by shifting accounts. Maybe the region or TSM that had those accounts previously had an over-abundance of work-flow and OT so they are trying to redistribute the work flow to even it out by breaking it up amongst other regions or TSMs? Just a guess.

I came from an account that had several hospitals on it all owned by the same healthcare system and all went overseas back in October except for 2 of the hospitals. I am thinking those two are only still here because they just signed on a couple of years ago and did not want any work done overseas, but I bet when its time to renew the contract, that will change and the hospitals administration will send their work overseas with the rest.

Thankfully, I wont be around to see it. Those two remaining hospitals are my primaries and where 98% of my work comes from and I am blessed to have plenty of it and never run out. Unfortunately, I am leaving MM even though I like it here and I have good cpl rates. I got a job outside of MT that I would have been foolish to pass up.
Thank you... - Wondering
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for a logical and helpful explanation. Good luck!

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