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disparaging remarks about being an MT - old mt

Posted: Jun 10, 2010

Frown  I'm 57 and have been doing this for almost 38 years.  Up until the past few years I made a good living (36K part-time), but we all know the past five or six years we've been going downhill fast.  Well my husband is elligible to retire from his government contractor job and the 401K tanked,the housing market is awful and we can't forsee when we will ever be able to retire.  Now, he is throwing it in my face that if I made more money in a better job we'd be able to.  Never mind that I was home all the years with my son since he was 5!  My self-esteem is in the toilet.  I've looked into other lines of work and when you are 50+ most places don't call you - not even Wal-Mart!  The local doctor's offices all are doing EMR and the local hospital rarely hires.  Any advice?  I could sure use a few warm fussies about now.......

Old MT - nan

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Perhaps tell hubby he needs to grow up and maybe if he had a better job you could retire. What a jerk!

hubby - old mt

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Thanks Nan - I just needed some reassurance and you hit the nail on the head. I think sometimes I'm married to a 12 YO spoiled child.

hubby - nan

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Been there done that.

I think I am married to your husbands twin! - It is just amazing how

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they play that alpha male thing until things go wrong and then it is your fault-at least, that is what it seems like around here at times. My heart goes out to you. We are in a similar position as well.

As well as what to do-would that be before or after hitting the hubby with a frying pan in his sleep?
Hey Wait a minute! As a former "Hubby" myself - I strongly recommend against
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the frying pan thing. It ruined the frying pan (won't sit flat) and it caused me to hear music for TWO weeks. I mean I kept trying to turn off radios when nothing was on!
LOL!! nm - Funny
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:-) Thanks for the giggle.
Ya, I can laugh about it now - until I ask myself just what - was so funny? Why am I
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laughing? Then I realize I am only laffing along with the wives who think it is funny. What about it is funny to me? Besides the 2 weeks of music, it must also have knocked my laffer loose. I find I do alot of giggling. Over in a corner. By myself.

To one old MT from another. - Old MT2

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I feel your pain. In the same boat. I have applied to soooo many jobs in town. I have an interview for tomorrow at a family practic clinic, front desk, for $10.00 an hour. I think I am going to turn it down, and keep trying but I doubt I will have much luck. In my 50's also. There are many unemployed people, with college degrees, who are my competition.

I took a job on VR. My last day is today because I am starting another job in 1 specialty doing straight typing. The income will be about double. I know those accounts will go on VR too one day, and then what? I would really like to stay in MT because when I retire I would like to continue it part time.

You say you have been doing this for 38 years? You will be just what companies are looking for in an MT regardless of your age. I do realize how old it gets to fill out application after application and take test after test. Perhaps you should apply for part time and then increase your hours if you can. If you are making $36,000 part time, you could certainly get the income up by increasing your hours a bit. The VR is not so bad if the account has been around for a while or if you only worked 1 account.

I used to love typing at home. My income was about $47,000 M-F, 7-3. No nights, weekends, or holidays. Life was sweet. Now, I think it is too late to get out. I will keep trying for $30,000 outside of MT, but I live in a small town and there are not many jobs at all.

Perhaps your husband could retire from his present job, and do something part time also. BTW, $36,000 is certainly contributing to the household and nothing to sneeze at. If that is the reason that the two of you cannot afford to retire, then it certainly is not your fault.

no, your husband actually has a triplet - my husband

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has been treating me the same way. He has been taking on all kinds of side jobs lately to make up some of the difference (which I am grateful for and let him know that), but he still treats me as if it's my fault this is all happening.

He conveniently forgets about the kids, the house and everything else I do and have done for years......

Hubby - thanks all - old mt

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Thank you all for your input. It is reassuring to know that I'm not married to the only rectum out there! The frying pan is a good idea - or smothering him with a pillow... dang though accidental life wouldn't pay out then.... I'm too old and too tired for this nonsense -but it is reassuring to know that there are others out there in the same sinking boat...THANKS AGAIN!

Hubby - thanks all - old mt - Roxie

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I am in the same boat. I have been transcribing for 33 years, and I am on VR. It has not been easy to get used to. I am looking for different employment. I had to ask my kids for help. I am also right there with you with a husband who does not get it. The couple of times I tried outside offices, it was horrible.

I understand what you are going through - but

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I would kick my husband's butt if were blaming me for this. Working from home has its perks, but it is not easy especially if you have children with you. You don't get away from work. That computer is always staring you in the face and the isolation can sometimes be a challenge also.

He didn't mind it when you were making good money and saving in before/after school care costs and daycare costs. I would throw that up in his face.

I am so sick of people's attitude about stay-at-home moms and stay-at-home workers. They have no idea.

To be in this business for as long as you have is admirable. I have been doing in for 10 years and feel very burned out. Kudos to you!

I don't know that much about it, but have you considered getting into closed captioning? Or I heard that there are positions for people to go with a person who is deaf and transcribe college lectures/courses for them in the classroom. Again, I have no idea about the pay for something like this, but it might be worth looking into.

Good luck and don't let anyone tell you that the state of the economy is in anyway your fault. Things like this are happening to a lot of people in this country. :)

I finally threw mine overboard. - CrankyOldBroadOnTheBeach

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He too was income-challenged, and had the NERVE to say he was jealous of the "clickety-click" (because it meant I wasn't spending time with him). I blew my stack and said that clickety-click is keeping a roof over your A$$, buster! He was not amused. Go figure.

Now it's just me and the geckos. They don't eat much, and they don't whine at me, so they're actually pretty good company....

You crack me up CrankyOldBroadOnThe Beach - lindawordlady

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Do you type that name every single timeunder nickname/alias? Cranky.....

I especially like you're remarks when you post. In many ways, you remind me of myself. I cannot imagaine living though with a gecko, much less 3 of them (I think you wrote one time). Oh, they just give me the heeby-jeebies. Are they big? Where do they sleep? I don't like any kind of reptiles much less an insect.

Anyhow, just keep on typing and writing away as it usually gives me a chuckle!!

Happy to provide the laughs... we can all use them! - CrankyOldBroadOnTheBeach

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No, actually, I do not type "cranky old broad" every time; the Firefox auto-complete (or whatever it's called) function offers me "helpful suggestions" and so I just have to click on what I've typed in that field before.

There are currently 4 geckos sharing space with me. There used to be 5, but Geico went back to live with my niece, who was his original "mommy." They are caged (separately) in terrarium-like cages, at all times unless I take one out for a few minutes to play with and admire. They come in many different colors and patterns. They are pretty little. Even the full-grown ones aren't very big. They are actually incredibly cute, because they have enormous eyes (they are nocturnal) and these adorable little wrap-around toes.... Just Google "New Caledonian crested gecko" and you can see plenty of pictures. They're easy to take care of, and unlike most reptile species in the pet trade, do NOT require live food. Although, once in a while I will get them some crickets at the pet store for a treat. (One of my males, named The Spook because he's such a spaz, is actually afraid of the crickets.)

And the one thing you would not think, with a reptile, is that these critters are incredibly soft to the touch. There's nothing quite like little itty bitty velvet paws climbing around on your fingers.

There's a little animated GIF slideshow of the critters on the right sidebar of my blog, which you can find at crankybeach dot blogspot dot com.

They are all alike! Does he make random - T

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comments about what a wreck the house has become too, since you are working twice as much as you used to and have no time left for cleaning. Buttheads, all of them.

Mine does that, yet he'll sit in his garage all day reading magazines. - Backwards Typist

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His work went down the tubes with the economy. He waits for calls that never come. Worked 54 hours this year.

Meanwhile, I'm working 7 days a week (when there is work)to try to make enough to pay everything. I spend 1-1/2 hours a day reading the paper.

At least I did get him to feed the dog.

if hubbies are all so bad, how come you wanted one?? - --J nm

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Children - T
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