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TransMed - gemini

Posted: Jan 17, 2014

Anyone have any info on this company?  They are requesting my driver's license info and social security card before an offer is even made...accompanying an application that asks weird questions like what kind of transportation I drive (at home position) and how long I have lived at my current address....think the administrators at this site may want to remove their hiring ad or at least investigate it further...these are all the signs and questions one would ask if planning to steal someone's identity or scam them. :(

I should add... - geminil

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I have questioned the need for this info right now and have not gotten a response...sigh.

gemini - Nick

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Just the fact that you have not gotten a response to your question tells me that they are up to no good. Why don't you ask THEM for a copy of the company's financial statement, their Dun and Brad rating, etc. and see how they like that? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Hold up.. - SS# but not card..

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I would not share my card or license before being hired. You have to send copies of those once hired, but prior, before you have confirmation of who and where you are sending, i would not be sharing.

I think on applications we have to give our SS#? I could be wrong.. but i wouldnt be sending copies of anything until I was going to work for them. JMO

Right... - gemini

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That was my thought exactly. He wants copies of both before even discussing a position... :(

That is a definite red flag. Good for you for making sure!! - nm

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He now says... - gemini
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He did now reply to my concerns and only said that he requires that with every application, for a background check. Stated that if I do not provide it today he cannot consider me as a serious candidate, as he is making decisions. This just sounds more horrible to me, the push for vital info?? Really..in this day in age. No reason you need to run a background check on me before even discussing or offering a position...seriously.
gemini - Nick
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Tell him you are running a background check on his company and you want:
1. The DL's of all principals of the company.
2. A copy of their latest D&B rating.
3. A certified financial statement from their CPA.
4. A copy of their business license and documents of incorporation if they are indeed incorporated.

Tell him that you will need these before you will discuss any position. ;)-
LOL!! After my most recent experiences, I think - sm
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this should be required of all MTSOs!! And a mental health evaluation too:))
Keep pushing that hard for your information means he thinks he has - a sucker who will give it up. SM
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This is not a legitimate offer, no way. It's a scam, no matter how you slice it, and you're a live fish on the hook right now who needs to be played into the net.

If you want to play, do what Nick suggested and demand all his business information first, stating that this is standard business practice to check a potential employer and you're not going to go any further about this job until you have his information. That should shut his water off pretty quick.

They're counting on the fact that you're dumb and naive and desperate enough.
This was the email response I got. - gemini
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This was the exact email I got in response to my questioning the need for this info:

I'm making decisions today and you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I was giving you a chance for consideration before I make any final decisions. Unfortunately, your time frame will not work for me. I wish you the best in your job search. As a bit of advice, it probably is not in your best interest to tell a CEO of an organization since 1999 how he should source and hire.


Chief Executive Officer
TransMed Systems, Inc.
Wow! How arrogant of him. I would be tempted - sm
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to send something similar back to him.
No worries! :) - gemini
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I did all of that and then some. Have reported him to both sites I see him posting on. Hopefully one or both sites have legal means to check into him to see if he is even legit. I really don't...other than he claims a person can apply on his website, but there is no section for such even there. Leads me even more to believe it is a fake website just to get people's info in email. Sigh. At least some of us are smarter than that, have been scammed before, and can inform the rest of the world!
CEO? - Darkhorse
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Since when does the CEO of the company directly communicate with applicants? That's a load of hooey.
Darkhorse re: CEO - Old Pro
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My SO is a retired CEO, and I can tell you, CEOs do not deal with applicants. That is what the HR department is for. Sounds to me like this is some little guy trying to be big. I'm glad Gemini is not falling for it.
Awww you should have told him to - :-)
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suck a hole in your shorts.
snort!! yeah, right, whatever paulie baby. - He was giving you a chance, pffffttt. sm
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Wasn't that really big of him. Chance the big fat one, you chief executive a-hole.

He's hoping you'll email back begging to be reconsidered.

They must be pretty desperate to run this scam to play people out this long. As another poster said, this is no CEO, they dont waste their valuable time hiring nor do they communicate with new hires like this.

Good for you to question as much as you did and not fall for it.
After reading this thread I now know you people are all idiots! No wonder you are unemployed! - azscribe
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OMG I cannot believe how much stupidity I am reading on this thread! I come here to see what people have to say about a company and then take it with a grain of salt, because most of you NEVER HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY ABOUT ANYTHING! If you are really employed then how do you have time to be on this board? If you are really job hunting, why would you nit pick a job possibility to this ridiculous extent? You are all SELF DEFEATING. Grow up, get a clue. The person on the other end of the interview is a human capable of mistakes too. GEEZ your all unemployable in my opinion!

MT who has been at the same job for 10 years!
If you are really employed, why are you wasting your valuable time - on this board as another idiot? nm
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WE are all idiots? - Linda
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Um, no, I don't think so. Please stop shouting, take your Xanax and calm down.
How is this helpful? - gemini
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I was looking for constructive advice and questioning if this is common hat now. Your response is not only rude and ridiculous, but I doubt this is your job at all. Your English is terrible, your grammar worse. Like most mom's taught their children, if you have nothing nice to say...say nothing at all. Perhaps that will be helpful to you, instead of making yourself look incompetent.
Directed at azscribe, obviously. - gemini
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That's funny - Darkhorse
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And yet you are on here TOO, AZ(hole)SCRIBE. That's irony for you. Obviously, that job was a scam or an unsavory position at the very least. It's good you have stable employment. You are just the type the scammers are looking for.
gemini - Feedback for the "CEO"
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Frankly, he sounds like an arrogant a$$ and I think you are fortunate to not have anything more to do with him.

gemini - Long-time MTSO

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BEFORE discussing a position? No way, no how.

SS number - gemini

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The only thing any company needs my social for is for tax purposes, other than or prior to that they do not. The driver's license they should not need either, honestly. Just a form of ID of some sort that matches.

Giving SS# on application is legal - but not good practice. Do not give it out. -nm

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And now... - gemini

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Good luck to anyone who considers then, honestly. I just got the "it was stupid to question my hiring practices, I've been in business since 1999" email from the "owner?" Okay, well I've been doing transcription for 16 years and know this is not common practice and if he has "been in business" that long he should know also..not rocket science. Good work weeding out the potentially good employees though because they will not just hand over their vital info to you pre employment!

gemini - Old Pro

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Good for you! It sounds like his business practices are fishy. I have never, EVER asked someone for their SS before I have offered them a contract of employment. (And I could not care less what kind of a car you drive or if you use public transportation. I mean, come on. That would be my business because......??)

gemini - Old Pro

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If this 70-year-old woman can presume to give some advice, please, please, please do NOT give out your SS number until an offer is made. And as to your driver's license and what kind of car you drive, I would ask them how this is relevant to your working as an MT. (I would be tempted to answer the car question with "Oh, I drive a Bentley.") But seriously, this is disturbing to me. They really do not have a right to your SS number at this stage, and the other questions are, IMHO, intrusive. I say, RUN!

When I applied to TT out of Houston, I was requested to SM - JustMe

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FAX a copy of my driver's license. In my state, NY, it is illegal to make a copy of a state-issued ID card for private use (OK for govt. agencies, such as UE office, etc.) Therefore, employment agencies may ask to see ID but can't copy it. Thus, I was very uncomfortable sending them a copy of my license, but I did it anyway because I needed the job.

Thanks everyone! - gemini

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I didn't think I was crazy, just wanted to make sure times had not changed this much and I just was not aware. I feel as a contract, especially, there is no reason they need any of this except to send me a 1099 form, a year from now. Thanks for the support though. He since told me, like I said, that I should not tell a CEO how to run his business. All I can do is laugh at this point. Nick, I agree with you, 100%!

well they do have a website - see link

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but who knows if this is even the same company. And they have the highest quality standard in the industry they say, at 98.9%! I should put them in contact with MModal.

And quick research shows he IS the CEO and owner (it's a small company) - anon

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While it's the OP's prerogative whether or not to give their SS# out before being hired, it took no time for me to research and find that it IS a legitimate company and he is the CEO. I'm surprised that a) they didn't take the time to do simple research before declaring it's a scam and b) all the responders who jumped on the bandwagon without checking for themselves. SMH

You are the person.... - gemini

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he scams, sadly. I can build a website and call myself a "CEO" of a company, to scam people. So sad you think because he has a website that does not even have the links or pages the "CEO" says it does, you think he is legit, so sad. Go ahead and send him your info and let me know how it goes for you, please. :)
Googling - Darkhorse
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Exactly, Gemini. "I GOOGLED it and it's legit..." LMAO!

And... - gemini

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while he has a website, you still have not answered why he needs this info before he would even discuss with me what type of account this was, pay, hours, anything...or why he needs to know what I drive or how long I've lived at my residence. These ARE security questions asked when trying to use someones info for credit. If you don't know that, you must never have applied for such. So sad.
I think it's probably legit - but see message
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I agree there is no need for him to have your social security card and driver's license before he even talks to you about a job.

RE: Supposed "CEO" - Nick

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Does this CEO's company have a board of directors? Is it a public company, listed on any stock exchange or is it privately held? How large is it? It is fairly easy to declare oneself a "CEO." If it is some small company, I think that is a highly inflated title. It's not like you're dealing with the Bank of America or AT&T. He sounds like he is a little too full of himself.
TransMed - amelio
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For what it's worth, this is a link that has the company info on it, including the employer ID #. Can probably research them more with this government-issued ID #. And the owner, perhaps CEO, is a woman. If they did not sign their name, that would be another red flag, in addition to asking for excess info prior to hire. Glad you didn't trust this. . .
TransMed - amelio
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oops. . .here's the link:
It'sTransMed Systems, Inc (out of Arizona) - anon
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Different company. This is located in AZ, CEO and owner Paul M. as mentioned above.

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