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M&DScribing - dsauverwald

Posted: Jan 10, 2010

If you do not have word 2000 or 2003, do not bother applying for this position.  You cannot test if you have a newer Word.  I wish they would have put that in their job posting.  It would have saved me the time disappointment.  So, thought I would let everyone know to save them from the same thing happening to them.

Be thankful as they will rip you off and not pay you. Investigate before you waste your time. nm - been there

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M&DScribing - dsauverwald

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Have you worked for these people before?? I was unable to test as they required Word 2000 or 2003 and I have Word 2007. I always investigate each company I apply to before applying, but this specific company I could find no information for. So, I took a chance and applied anyway to no avail.

Yes, I did for a few weeks until it was pay time and got screwed! nm - anonmiss

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Email me if you want specifics.

What is the deal with MnD - Lowya

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I tested for them not that long ago. They sent voice files that were horrendous voice quality and very difficult dictators to boot. Glad I was "not a good fit for this dictator." I would never have wanted to type those 2 dictators even part time anyway. Thanks for doing me the favor. Now I read that they do not pay? Thanks again MnDScriberz or scribing, whatever they're calling themselves. Just my 2.

M&D - dsauverwald

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They sent me a test file just the other day and I could not even open it, but didn't have Word 2000 or 2003 anyway so wouldn't have ben able to do it regardless. WIsh there was more information on this company so I could investigate further.

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How Do I Contact M&DScribing
Jan 09, 2010

When there is no link to the company so I can send my resume?  Do I just Google them and apply that way?  TIA for any help. ...