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Does anyone have a job that they actually enjoy??? - GinaW

Posted: Mar 20, 2014

I am working now, but presently looking for another company to work for to make ends meet.  I have looked through posts to get an idea of what companies to apply for and everytime I see a positive post, it is followed by at least 2 or more negative replies to the positive one.  My question is..are there are companies worth applying for..taking in the fact that the business has changed so much, I am not looking to get rich, just a decent company.

Everything's relative. One man's Heaven is another man's Hell. sm - JMO

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I can't honestly say I enjoy my jobs anymore but I am content, I suppose. I have been happy at companies and seen them trashed here, and vice versa ... places I thought were a giant pile of manure, others were gushing about how wonderful they were. The best places I ever worked were YOG and MDI-MD and they are dust now. Ultimately, I suppose it is kinda like shopping for a new outfit -- you just have to find whatever fits you best. :-)

HI former YOG-er. Me too. I'm working for TTS now. - much the same as YOG

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Pretty much just about getting your work done and well and you're left alone. No BS micromanaging and I'm paid better than the big MTSO.

Really? I had heard that the pay at TTS is 6/3 -- is that incorrect? sm - JMO

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I loved YOG -- I was paid well, decent benefits, and yes, they left me alone to just do my work. I guess I was short-sighted, as I never saw the changes coming that are happening in this field. This must be how the dinosaurs felt as they faced extinction. :(
It is...:-( nm - Scorched earth
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It is incorrect, at least for me it is. I make more - now than at iMedX
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In fact I'm making more now than I have in the years since SR starting taking over. BTW it is acute care and I am an IC. But I was that for iMedX also and got 8 & 4 which is less than I'm making. Worth a shot.

There is no heaven, just hell - sick&tired MT

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There was a time when I absolutely loved MTing. Not anymore. I have left MTSOs due to lack of work, cheating us on line counts, platforms that just are not suitable to make a living. I drag myself to my desk to work, but it gets worse as each week goes by. If my income sinks any lower due to no fault of my own, but due to company greed and disregard for our abilities, I really have to take a final walk.

I personally have tried 4 companies in the last 2 years trying to leave the current company I work for, and all of them either still had the same issues of a lack of work, cut the pay per line shortly after I started with them, or got bought out by the nasty big companies. There is no "grass is greener."

If you are fortunate enough to work for a local hospital or large clinic, you might have a good deal, or perhaps a small MTSO (if you can find one).

Wow!!! I guess its just not my job, but everyone's then - GinaW

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I accepted a job with a company that starts in April. It transcribes legal documents and insurance related. the people are very nice. they used to be in the medical aspect of it but got out, probably because they saw how the business was going. they do not start out with great pay, but it does give me a chance to get some other type of transcribing experience.

not so fast - I enjoy mine. you deduce this after, what, 2 people respond? - or did you need to hear its not just you? NM

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My post said i have been reading over the posts on the entire board, NOT JUST TWO and I was wonderin - GinaW
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And I didnt need to hear its not just me, needed to hear of a decent company to work for. Read my post before you reply...
And if you are the same one that keeps posting - GinaW
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that you have two jobs that pay decent, but will not tell anyone the names of them, then hold your comments, because you are not trying to help anyone anyway...thanx in advance

NOOOOOOO! If I make it through the next 2 months, it will be over! nm - SCREAM

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I enjoy my job - fpcmt

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I left the MTSO world for a local practice and hourly pay. I was considering getting out of MT all together before this opportunity came along.

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