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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Posts.. (Views: 45)

Posts disappearing - CuriousMT

Posted: Oct 17th, 2024 - 8:46 am

I am not understanding about this website.  You post things and they don't show up.  Then they disappear or are deleted, not to be found in the archive area either.  I clicked on "contact us" and it said they would respond within 24 to 48 hours and that was weeks ago so this is not true either.  Why have this website if things are being deleted or the website moderators don't even respond to things you have questions about?  It is such a waste of a website and I really don't know why I continue to come here.  Waste of everyones time!!!!


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  • Posts disappearing - CuriousMT (Views: 79, 2024-10-17, 8:46 am)
    • Posts - Like this job (Views: 45, 2024-10-17, 12:06 pm)