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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: TTC.. (Views: 40)

You do realize anyone can say anything they want on this board? - I can lie or tell the truth, and I may not SM

Posted: Dec 12th, 2018 - 4:17 pm In Reply to: curious to see , you probably work for Nuance - a

even be the original one you're responding to.

Seriously, do you think someone's going to tell you the truth of where they work? And what, exactly would that prove to you?

Are you next going to ask for someone's email address or some form of identification?

Absolutely ridiculous - the foolishness of some of you people on this board who think they know who posters are simply by some anonymous posts that look similar in style or content.

I wonder if any of you ever go back and reread your posts, do you ever think how that sounds, how it makes you look foolish? Some of you seem like you're completely unhinged and seriously need professional help.


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