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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: whatever happened to TTC?.. (Views: 33)

Not New News - But...

Posted: Jul 21st, 2018 - 3:14 pm In Reply to: I see a few jobs in my area for medical scribes. - sm

Offices tend to prefer to hire medical students as part of training. I think this is partly due to the fact that a patient is more comfortable with a medical trainee than a "clerk," so to speak. Put yourself in the patient's place. You'd probably feel more comfortable with someone training to be a doctor than a "clerk," so to speak.

Also, it's not really medical transcription the way we know it. You wouldn't be able to transcribe a doctor "live," but you would be entering vital signs, meds, and things like that.

I also heard the pay is very low; last I heard, it was more like $9 per hour, but it may depend on where you live.


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