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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: lost account to offshore and .. (Views: 54)

"Type it up" - Katielyn

Posted: Mar 8th, 2016 - 4:26 pm

I'm writing here to see if anyone has heard of a company called "type it up" -- I'm not sure it's all medical or just some.  They seem to have a different perspective on pay rates - they pay by the "audio minute."  They profess that they're the real deal, what a transcription company should be, and that you can make more with them.  THey do NOT utilize ASR, and it's straight typing in word using a program that I found on the internet.  They do not have an expansion program, but I read somewhere that it's compatible with one specific type of expansion program.  So just checking here to see if anyone has heard of them, worked for them, or attempted to work for them.  Their introductory paragraph seems pretty strong, stating most people do NOT pass their test.   Just looking for a company out there that's not trying to rob us blind and penalize us every time we turn around!

LINK/URL: Type It Up - company quiery


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