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Company Board

Step lightly and know what you would be in for. - sm

Posted: Aug 12th, 2015 - 3:54 pm In Reply to: InScribe in SC - Muah

I left there earlier this year and I liked it for several months. Pros are they pay on time direct deposit. I was working with a team of wonderful ladies and I really do miss them. Cons had gotten to be many by the first of the year. First of all, they are WAY understaffed for the workload they have and the last I heard they were trying to take on more accounts. I ended up being so tired from helping extra in the mornings where I could that I was unable to produce much during my regular hours. Too many changes being made with account specs and procedures for sending tickets to the various departments for whatever issue you have. You can use wireless internet, but be warned that the VPN does not like it and mine would disconnect several times while I was working if I used my wireless, especially if I had to be away from home while working. (Lost quite a few reports that way.) QA feedback can be very demeaning if the lead QA gets ahold of your reports. Never had a problem with anyone else's feedback. It could be a great company to work for if they would stop making so many changes, get rid of the lead QA (or at least make him tone down his remarks), and stop terminating over trivial things like whether or not you separated sentence or used a semicolon. Too much burnout going on last I was there.


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  • InScribe in SC - Muah (Views: 636, 2015-08-12, 8:05 am)
    • Step lightly and know what you would be in for. - sm